Machiavelli was born in Florence (Italy)
in 1469 and he died in 1527. He entered public service and was appointed
Secretary of' Ten in the Government of Florence in 1498. The nature of his
duties enabled him to have first-hand knowledge of home and foreign Politics.
He was versed in statecraft, for he served his state in the capacity of
an ambassador as many as twenty three times and among other places, was
sent to Paris, to Rome and to the court of Caesar Borgia.
His Environment:
A man of a very sensitive nature and keen
observation. Machiavelli was very much influenced by the intellectual and
political tendencies of. his age, a fact clearly evidenced by the nature
and trend of his political philosophy. By the beginning of the 16th century
the democratic tendencies of the Conciliar Movement, advocating constitutional
government both in the church and the state had disappeared beneath the
wave of a monarchist reaction. In the Church, the Pope had succeeded in
establishing his supremacy over church Councils. On the secular side, absolute
monarchy, putting itself adroitly on the crest of the rising tide of nationality,
was in the saddle in the important states and had crushed the feudal aristocracy
and the feudal assemblies for the time being. But this process of national
and monarchic consolidation hardly affected Italy at the time. The beginning
of the 16th century was the era of the strong man and yet none of the rulers
of the Italian states viz. Venice, Florence, Naples, Milan, and
the Papal States was able to consolidate the whole of Italy under his sway.
Italy became the battle-ground .of intriguing and ambitious potentates,
local as well as foreign. During this period of constant political disorder
and internecine war, public leaders were actuated more by selfish motives
than public interests. Public morality was extremely low. Statecraft was
the chief arm of defence. The political situation in Italy was embarrassingly
complex and depressing and as a patriotic Italian, Machiavelli could not
help being moved by it. Securing the independence of Italy and restoring
prosperity to her cities became a master passion with him. Of all the writings
of Machiavelli-and he wrote voluminously-the most important are The Prince
and the discourse. Machiavelli wrote likea patriot, after all realization
that contemporary politics were not based on good Christian ethics but on
a selfish political seizure and violence. The order and unity maintained,
to some extent, by the Papacy and the Holy Roman Empire was disappearing
and international relations were bordering on the chaos of the state of
The Spirit of Renaissance:
If the rotten politics of Italy affected
him deeply, Machiavelli was also materially influenced by the growing spirit
of the Renaissance in Italy which ushered in an era of unstrained intellectual
outlook, freedom from the shackles of' scholastic dogma and ancient i.e.
pre-Christian attitude towards morality and religion. Machiavelli was very
much a creature of the Renaissance, native city of Florence being then the
centre of Italian Renaissance. In the middle Ages, the church and the state
were closely interrelated, the Church on the whole dominating the state
and profoundly influencing the political philosophy of the latter. The Renaissance
impelled men to re-examine things from-other than the clerical point
of view. It was possible now to formulate political theories on a purely
secular basis and Machiavelli is the chief exponent of this school of thought.
Machiavelli stood on the border-line between the Middle and the Modern ages.
He ushered in the Modern Age by riding politics of the vassal state
of religion.
In the middle ages people had concentrated
on matters of spirit salvation and God in the light of dogmatic Christian
theology. Man, as man, had little significance then. With the renaissance,
man instead of God, became the chief entity and subject of study. There
was now a tendency to concentrate on this world on the enrichment of personality
and the enjoyment of beauty in all forms. There developed the spirit of
individualism which laid stress on the dignity of man, natural and human.
Renaissance ushered in rationalism which viewed on God, man and nature from
the standpoint of reason and not individualism which laid stress on the
dignity of man, natural whi went against medieval universalism in Church
and state. There appeared with the Renaissance and because of new conditions
a new ideal of life which stood for individual success in this life and
this world. This success demanded self-assertion, ruthless and disregard
of conventional morality. It needed power which became the new deity. Power
was a good in itself and an end in itself. Machiavelli was a true representative
of his times as shown by his mental processes, the subject-matter of his
study, his aims and ideals, his empiricism, his rationalism, his realism,
his pragmatism, his hedonistic morality, his individualism and his nationalism.
His spiritual Ancestry:
As to the spiritual ancestry of Machiavelli
the great Greek philosopher, Aristotle held his imagination as he did that
of many a medieval scholar and thinker. Machiavelli freely drew on Aristotle
and ignored the writers and problems that were not classical. The Christian
scriptures, the teachings of the church fathers and the conflict for supremacy
between the church and the state were quietly put aside by him. Machiavelli
believed that human nature and therefore human problems were almost the
same at all times and places and therefore, he thought of enlightening the
present with the help of the past. His method of study was, therefore, historical.
He studied contemporary politics, analyzed it, formed conclusions and then
summoned history to substantiate them. Ancient particularly Roman history
furnished him with convenient parallels and political truths.
The Historical Method:
The historic method suited Machiavelli
particularly well because he was preeminently a student of practical and
not speculative politics. A realist in politics, he cared little for political
philosophy as such. His writings expound a theory of the art of government
rather than a theory of the state. He was more concerned with the actual
working of the governmental machinery than with the abstract principles
of constitution. Preservation of the state rather than the excellence of
its constitution was his chief consideration. Naturally, therefore, he viewed
things from the standpoint of a ruler and not the ruled. A thing which would
be immoral for an individual to do might, if necessary in the interest of
the state be justifiably done by the ruler. Machiavelli thus believed that
public morality was something very different from private morality. In his
writings, Machiavelli attacks the separation of the church from the state
and rejects the doctrine of natural law. He believes that a man’s
virtue is measured by his power and fame and lies in a combination of force
and intellect. For such a virtue there is little place for any restraints
imposed by general principles which natural law implies. He thus broke away
from medievalism by denying the parallel existence of the two swords, secular
and clerical and by rejecting the doctrine of natural law.
Machiavelli’s Conception
of Human Nature:
Like Calvin and Hobbes, Machiavelli did
not believe in the essential goodness of human nature and human beings.
A man was a strange mixture of weakness, folly and knavery, fit only to
be hoodwinked and lorded over living in the Italy of the 15th century, it
was very natural that Machiavelli should have a very low idea of human nature.
Like Hobbies, he held that all men were wicked and essentially selfish.
Selfishness and egoism were the chief motive forces of human conduct. Men
were “ungrateful, fickle, deceitful, cowardly and avaricious”.
They were good only when it paid them to be good. Fear is the one dominating
element in life and is mightier than love. A prince, therefore, ought to
personify fear. A prince who is feared knows how he stands in relation to
his subjects. He is to excite fear in their minds, but not hatred nor contempt.
Machiavelli’s conception of human
nature has a close family resemblance with Calvinistic doctrine of original
sin. He did not believe in the moral progress of man. Standards of ethical
conduct did not vary in different ages. Machiavelli entertains like Hobbes,
a very poor idea of human nature which to him is essentially bad. On this
conception he builds the whole structure of his political science. Would
it not be truer to say that a man is neither inherently good nor bad but
that he is a bundle of natural impulses which are to be converted into good
or bad ones according to environment? “the great fault of Machiavelli
lies in the fact that he builds his theory of state or rather preservation
of state in a an environment of fear or prohibitions a thing which is bound
to react rather unfavourably on the moral progress of the state without
which neither preservation nor expansion is easy of accomplishment”.
“The Prince”:
The prince of Machiavelli consists of 26
chapters which lend themselves to three divisions. Division I represents
a general introduction and discusses various forms of absolute government.
Division II denounces the then current system of mercenary troops and pleads
for the establishment of a national army. Division III contains the substance
of Machiavelli’s philosophy. It gives a number of rules for the guidance
of the prince, especially the ‘new prince’ i.e. one who was
a usurper or a leader of men who had seized a state with force or craft.
The Prince of Machiavelli is neither an academic treatise nor a book on
political science as such. It is ‘real politik’. It is a memorandum
on the art of government and of political success prepared by the ex-secretary
of Florence. It deals with the mechanics of government. It is pragmatic
in character and gives the technique of successful ruler-ship.
The whole argument of the Prince is based
on two premises, borrowed mainly from Aristotle. One of these is that the
state is the highest form of human association and the most indispensable
instrument for the promotion of human welfare and it is by merging ‘himself
in the state that an individual maintains the state and thereby finds his
full fruition, his best self. Considerations of the welfare of the state
must, therefore, outweigh any considerations of individual or group welfare.
The second premise is that material self is the most potent of motive forces
in individual and public action. The art of government, therefore, lies
in the intelligent and unflinching pursuit by the ruler of his self-interest
regardless o ethical considerations. Machiavelli almost identifies the state
with the ruler. These premises led to the conclusion that it was Caesar
personifying the state, and not God which was the deity to be worshipped.
The Caesar must make himself worthy of this worship by a ruthless and successful
seizure of power. Things which brought power were the only virtues that
mattered. To Machiavelli, as to the ancient Greeks, virtue in a prince which
excelled in bringing success and power and these were cunning, deceit and
Chapter XVIII of the Prince gives Machiavelli’s
idea of the virtues which a successful prince must possess. Integrity may
be theoretically better than collusion but cunning and subtlety are often
very useful. The two means of success are law and force. A prince must combine
in himself the rational and the brutal, the latter in turn representing
a judicious combination fo the lion and the fox. A wise prince will not
keep his parole when by so doing he would injure his own interests and when
the reasons which make him bind himself no longer exit. A prince must play
the fox and act the hypocrite to disguise his real motives and inclinations.
To Machiavelli the preservation of the state was the raison d’etre
of monarchy. A prince must regard his neighbours as likely enemies and keep
on guard. A clever prince will realize the internal unity of his state not
by surrendering his powers to the people but by establishing thorough-going
despotism. Economic motives being the mainspring of human conduct, a prince
must do all he can to keep his subjects materially contented. A prince might
execute a conspirator but should not confiscate his property, for confiscation
would be more seriously taken notice of by the affected family then the
A prince held Machiavelli must be free
from emotional disturbances but must be ready and capable of taking advantage
of the emotions of other people. He must be a cool and calculating opportunist.
He must oppose evil by evil. In the interests of the state he must be ready
to sin boldly. He must be of unshakeable purpose and dead to every sentiment
except love for his state which he must save even at the cost of his own
soul. He must not allow himself to be weighed down by any puerile considerations
of justice or injustice, good or bad, right or wrong, mercy or cruelty,
honour or dishonour in matters of state. Subtlety is often useful in public
affairs. Dishonesty is the best policy. The fact is that Machiavelli conceived
of himself as a physician of the state. He was concerned not with the ethics
of his patient’s public actions but only with the means of maintaining
his patient i.e. the state in a condition of good vigour and prosperity
regardless of what this vigour was to be used for.
To Machiavelli it was clear that the interests
of the state justified everything. The end of justified the means. Public
necessity knew no law. State actions were not to be judged by individual
ethics. Machiavelli prescribes a double standard of conduct for the ruler
and for individual citizens on the basis that the ruler is a creator of
law as also of morality for moral obligations must ultimately be derived
from and sustained by law. As such he is above both. It will be the ruin
of the state if the ruler’s public actions relating to problems of
external and internal security of the state were to be weighed down by individual
ethics. It was always wrong for an individual to tell a lie but sometimes
necessary and good for the ruler to do so in the interests of the state.
The state has no ethics. It is anon-ethical entity. The rightness or wrongness
of a state action was to be judged merely by its results. Machiavelli believed
with Thrasymachus that the justice of the state was the interest of the
sovereign. The safety of the state was the supreme law.
Separation of Politics from Ethics
and Religion:
From the foregoing, it is obvious that
Machiavelli had little place for ethics or for the matter of that for religion
in his system of political philosophy and that formed the chief difference
between him and the medieval writers. Aristotle had already distinguished
ethics from politics but had not separated the two whereas Machiavelli brought
about a complete divorce between them. Moral virtues had their own value
but he refused to assign them any place in his scheme of things. Morality
was not denied but was subordinated to politics and, therefore, Machiavelli “is
not immoral but unmoral in his politics”. With Machiavelli, as with
the Jesuits, the end justified the means. Machiavelli may be called the “founder
of utilitarian ethics”.
Machiavelli believed that the state was
the highest for of human association and had a superior claim to a man’s
obligations. Reasons of state must outweigh any ethical considerations.
Public interests were the most potent of all motives for political action.
Public standards of action were different from private standards. It is
wrong for a private individual to kill but it is not wrong for the state
to kill by way of punishment for crime. The state hangs a murderer because
public safety demands it and because public interests are more important
than private interests of the criminal. Private interests or tethics have
nothing to do with public action. Public conduct is neither inherently good,
nor bad. It is good if its results are good. A good citizen is one who is
a bad man for whom patriotism is the only moral law.
Classification of Government:
Machiavelli’s classification of the
forms of government is rather unsystematic in a thinker of his caliber.
He accepts the Aristotelian classification of governments into monarchy,
aristocracy and constitutional democracy with perversions tyranny, oligarchy
and democracy. He also agrees with Roman political thinkers polybius and
Cicero that a mixed type of constitution with proper checks and balances
is the best and the most suitable constitution for a state. Machiavelli
believed in economic determinism and observed a close connection between
wealth and power. Behind all struggle for political liberty there was always
an economic interest. Machiavelli by inclination was a republican more than
a monarchist. To him, a republican form of government was not only the most
suitable but the only form of government for a political community where
there was a general economic equality. A republic can maintain its institutions
and adapt itself to changing environment better than a sentimental prince.
A republican system led to more uniform and universal material prosperity
and ensured greater equality of opportunity than other forms of government.
A republican system is more enduring and admits of liberty more than monarchies
do. People collectively show better qualities of prudence and judgment and
can select offices of a better type than a prince who is subject to court
influences. An aristocracy particularly a landed aristocracy, led to factious
quarrels and civil disorder and would not do for a state. Machiavelli, however,
would not swear by either a republic or a monarchy. His chief care was efficiency
in the state and for this he wanted an extra-legal sovereign. He realized
that different types of government suited different times and places and
though by conviction a republican, he knew that to the Italy of his day
an elective monarchy would be best suited. The one pressing need of Italy,
then, was deliverance from the foreigners – German, French and Spanish
and for this a wise and strong elective prince was better suited than a
republic. Machiavelli believed in the cyclical character of the forms of
A close examination of Machiavelli's views
on different forms of government would reveal that there is inconsistency
in his views. In his book "The Prince" he pleads for a very strong
monarch whereas in his book '7h~ Discourses" he prescribes rules in
which freedom may better be maintained in a republican state. He prefers
republican form of government to monarchical form of government. The virtue
that he prescribes for an individual is a combination of intellect and force.
How can this virtue in an individual be the basis of a good and strong republican
system which requires for its sustenance and efficient working public spirit,
patriotism and 'willingness to sacrifice private interests for public interests?
This shows the inconsistency in his thought.
Machiavelli’s Moral
Prior to Machiavelli almost all the political
thinkers had held the opinion that state had an ethical end and that its
aim was to make man happy and good. Machiavelli broke away from this tradition
of the past. Machiavelli's theory of moral indifference is based on his
study of Church in Italy. He levels two main charges on the Church. First,
he states that the Italians have become "irreligious and bad" because
of the "evil example of the court of Rome". The second and more
serious accusation is that of disunity which the Church has caused in the
country of the philosopher. He never hesitates to say that the sole cause
of Italian political disunity is the Church. It was but natural that Machiavelli
should have no place for either morality or the religion in his political
Machiavelli said that the state was not
a means to an end. It was an end in itself. He ignores the issue of the
end of the state in extra political (ethical, religious, cultural) terms.
He assumes that power is an end in itself and he confines his inquiries
into the means that are best suited to acquire, retain, and expand power.
The end justified everything.
Machiavelli is not against the religion
itself. He says that the right kind of religion can be of great value in
creating stability in the state. Religion provides a sanction without which
oaths may be useless and it may increase loyalty and unity. Machiavelli's
judgment of religion is strictly utilitarian. He is concerned with "truth" and
with the salvation of souls. A religion is good if it supports the state
and contributes to state ends. He is against Christianity which, according
to him, has divided the Italians.
Machiavelli, therefore, separates ethics
from politics. Statecraft, according to him constitutes a value system its
own which is different from that of ethics and religion. What is evil from
the viewpoint of morality and religion may, therefore, be good from the
viewpoint of the reason of the state if it serves to acquire, retain or
expand power. Machiavelli reduces good and evil from absolute to relative
categories and it depends upon the basic assumption of a system of values
whether a particular action is good or bad. If the basic assumption or objective
of conduct is friendship, service, fellowship, justice, or God, the individual
action will be judged good or bad to the extent it agrees with or deviates
from such assumption and goals. If as for the ruler, the basic assumption
is power, the decision as to whether a particular action is good or, bad
will depend on the extent to which it furthers the gain retention and growth
of power.
Machiavelli does not deny moral principles.
He says that it is most praise-worthy for a prince to be good, nevertheless
one who wishes to maintain his authority must be ready to lay aside his
goodness at any moment and in general, to employ it or not according to
the circumstance. Furthermore, a prince must appear all sincerity, all uprightness,
all humanity, all religion, but he must have his mind so disciplined that
when it is necessary to save the state he acts regardless of all these.
It follows that Machiavelli makes ethics subservient to politics. He says
that c a prudent ruler can turn the course of ethics to advantage of the
state. In his own words “When the safety of our country in absolutely
at stake, there needs no question of what is just or unjust, merciful, glorious
or shameful. That course alone is to be taken which may save our country
and maintain independence”.
It is to be noted that Machiavelli presents
a double standard of morality, one for the ruler and another for the ruled.
The first standard is judged by success in increasing his powers for which
even cruelty and murder are sanctioned by Machiavelli. The second standard
is judged by the strength which this rulers' conduct imparts to the social
group. “Since the ruler is outside the group, he is above the morality
to be enforced within group”.
Machiavelli holds that the interests of
the state are different from those of the individual. An individual acts
for himself whereas the state acts for all. Hence the same principle of
conduct cannot be applied to the individual and the ruler who administers
the state. An individual is bound to keep faith but ruler is not bound to
keep faith if it goes against the interests or integrity of the state. It
is always wrong for the individual to tell lies, deceive others or kill
another individual. However it is good and necessary for the ruler to tell
lies, deceive others and kill others if the interests of the state so demand.
Despite all this, Machiavelli favours a gentle rule wherever possible and
the use of severity only in, moderation.
It is to be observed that Machiavelli never
praises immorality for its own sake. It is sanctioned to gain an end. He
never doubted that moral corruption in a people made good government impossible.
What he did was a separation of ethics from politics. His basic attitude
is not the rejection of the corrupt political institutions, religious and
moral beliefs. He neither assumes that there are no values in this world
nor does he wish to create a world in which all values would be destroyed.
He is aware that civilization implies some sort of values. His morality,
therefore, implies not the denial of moral values in all situations but
the affirmation that, in the specific situation of Statesman, the rules
of power have priority over those of ethics and morality.
What Machiavelli wants to emphasize is
that political as its own morality which must be taken into consideration
while dealing with political issues. It is mainly for this reason that he
is called “unmoral or un-religious rather than immoral or irreligious
in his politics”.
Machiavelli has tried to separate ethics
from politics but the two cannot really be divorced because the state is
founded on the minds of its citizens who are moral agents. A good man will
be a good citizen only in a good state with good laws.
Machiavelli builds his theories on the assumption that man is bad and selfish
by nature. This is wrong. Man is a bundle of good and evil. It is the environment
that converts him into good or bad. The ruler being one of the individuals
of the society cannot be set apart from the environment having quite different
standards of morality from the rest of the people. The idea of right and
wrong which represents the ethical standard of the people must also affect
the actions of the rulers and their orders. Rulers' actions must reflect
the moral opinion and beliefs of the people. Hence what is morally wrong
cannot politically be right.
If rulers' actions are not judged by the
standards of private morality, he may assume dictatorial powers. Separation
of ethics from politics may ultimately result in tyranny which a democratic
minded man will never tolerate. Machiavelli's theory of moral indifference,
therefore, leads towards the usurpation of individual's rights and liberties
and the negation of his will.
Machiavelli on Diplomacy:
The term diplomacy is a recent coinage
and in its limited sense it means the skill in dealing with the people for
the purpose of smooth and efficient administration of the country. Although
Machiavelli does not use this term in his works yet his book "The prince" gives
detailed principles of diplomacy.
Machiavelli's doctrine is a theory of the
preservation of the state rather than a theory of the state itself. In the
words of George Sabine, "he writes about nothing and thinks about nothing
except politics, statecraft and the art of war". A realist in politics,
he cared little for political philosophy as such. He was well-versed in
statecraft because he served his state in the capacity of an ambassador
as many as twenty three times and among other places, he was sent to Paris,
Rome and other countries. In his book "The Prince, he gave expression
to his practical experience regarding the means to be employed for the integrity
of the state. They may be summarized as follows:
- The king should set fear in the minds of his subjects
but no so much as to result in hatred towards him. He should have the
courage of lion and the cunning of a fox. Force and fraud are the main
shields in his hands who can use them at the proper time and place.
- Machiavelli knew that love of flattery was the greatest
weakness of rulers which could deviate them from the right path. He,
therefore, advises the ruler that the only way to guard against the
danger of flatterers was to let men understand that to tell him the
truth did not offend him.
- Machiavelli says that a prudent king should not be
a good listener but an aggressive and constant inquirer. A king who
himself is not wise, will never take good advice.
- He advises the prince to keep faith only when no disadvantage
will result from so doing. He should strive baselessly and by all manner
of means to wing glory and renowned above all to avoid being despised
and hatred.
- The prince must pay recast for the customs and institutions
of the land because people hold than dearer than their liberty and even
their life. The king should never confiscate the property of his subjects
because people can easily forget the killing of their fathers but never
forget the loss of their property.
- The prince must fire the imagination of his subjects
by grand schemes and enterprises. Economic motives being mainspring
of human conduct, a prince must do all he can to keep his subjects materially
contented He must not impose heavy taxes on his subjects.
- He must not impose heavy taxes on his subjects.
- A prudent ruler will always patronize art and literature
to win the sympathies of intellectuals.
- The government being based on force and fraud, the
king must play the fox and act the hypocrite to conceal his real motives
and designs. He should not even spare his own life for the sake of the
- A prince must be free from emotional distances. He
must be ready and capable of taking advantages of the emotions of other
people. He must be cool and calculating opportunist. He must oppose
evil by evil.
- The king must not rely on mercenaries. He should have
a well trained army of his own who must be patriotic.
- The defence of the state is the primary duty of the
ruler and if he feels that the enemy is about to attack his country,
he must take the lead and destroy the enemy.
- In case of war between two of his neighbours,
he should never remain neutral. He must take sides. He should not take
the side of the stronger one rather he should take the side of the weaker
so that after victory he should to oblige to him for his support.
Machiavelli's advises to the prince are
guidelines for political stability in the state. A prudent ruler is the
one who faithfully follows them. But the unmoral principles may also produce
the adverse effects on the people in a state because force and fraud cannot
go longer. They may generate hatred towards the rulers and ultimately towards
the state. Politics without ethics is devoid of kernel. The state is an
essential part founded on the minds of the people who are moral agents.
A good man will be a good citizen only in a good state with good laws. Ruler's
actions opposed to the moral standards of a people will always be condemned
by the people.
Rule based on the force rather than on
consent of the people is not stable. Only that state will be stable which
rests on the will of the people.
Machiavelli’s Doctrine of
Aggrandizement / Power Politics:
In the Prince and the Discoursi,
Machiavelli insists on the necessity of extending the territory of the state.
The Prince portrays Machiavelli’s idea of real monarchy and the Discoursi
that of a republic. An irresistible tendency to expand is inherent in both
monarchies and republics. His idea of the extension of the dominion of a
state did not mean “the blending of two or more social or political
organism, but as consisting in the subjection of a number of states to the
rule of a single prince or commonwealth”. To Machiavelli a state must
either expand or expire and extension of dominion was easier in one’s
own country where there was no difficulty of language or of institutions
to overcome in the assimilation of the conquered people. Machiavelli thought
the Roman state and its policy of expansion to be ideal. Force of arms was
necessary for political aggrandizement as well as preservation of a state
but force must be judiciously combined with craft. The doctrine of aggrandizement
is one of the most characteristic features of Machiavelli’s political
philosophy and brings out vividly his moral indifference.
Both The Prince and the Discoursi give
us Machiavelli’s ideas regarding the means to be adopted for the preservation
of the state. In a monarchy, a prince must pay due respect to the established
customs and institutions of the land which people hold as something dearer
than liberty or life itself. The government being ultimately based on force
and fear, a prince must have a well-trained army of his own subjects. He
should draw on the spoils of war more than on the regular public treasury.
He must fire th imagination of his subjects by grand schemes and enterprises.
He must not impose heavy taxes and he must patronize art and literature.
Machiavelli’s ideal prince is, thus, an enlightened despot of a non-moral
type. In a republic, the most important thing is that the constitution should
be flexible, the law of the land reflecting the varying conditions in the
republic. Machiavelli believed that dictatorship and party strife sometimes
played a useful part in a republic.
Machiavelli though hardly a political theorist
himself, for he writes on the art of government rather than on the philosophy
of state, is the father of modern political theory in many respects. Many
concepts of modern political thought begin with Machiavelli. It was he who
first used the word state in the sense in which it is used nowadays, that
is, something having a definite territory, population, government and sovereignty
of its own. It was on Machiavelli’s concept of a sovereign territorial
and secular state that Bodin and Grotius built up a theory of legal sovereignty
which was given a proper formulation by John Austin. Hobbes borrowed his
conception of human nature from Machiavelli and built up a theory of absolute
sovereignty. Both Machiavelli and Hobbes believe that man is an egoistic
brute and is motivated to action by fear. Machiavelli is the first of modern
totalitarian thinkers.
Machiavelli believes in the potency of
material interests rather than spiritual ones and may be said to have inspired
Karl Marx in his materialistic interpretation of history. Machiavelli deifies
the state and is for the complete absorption of the individual by the state.
So does Hegel who views the state as the march of God on earth. Machiavelli
is the first exponent, with his theory of aggrandizement of the modern theory
of power politics on which much has been written by thinkers like Neitschke,
Trietschke, Bernhardi and others.
His Contributions to Political
Machiavelli is regarded as the father of
modern political theory in many respects and is ranked as the first modern
political thinkers for what he has contributed to poiitical thought. Most
modern thinkers owe much directly or indirectly to him. Some of his contributions
of political thought may be outlined below:
- The most popular view of state in the present century
is that it is an association of people over a definite piece of land
having a government and independent of both the internal and external
control. Machiavelli is the first thinker who conceives the term "state" in
the sense of having population territory, government and sovereignty.
This definition of the term "state" entitles him to be called
the first modern political thinker.
- Machiavelli has for the first time put forward the
idea of sovereign, territorial and secular state. This concept of his
state has inspired Jean Bodin, Grotius and John Austin to develop their
theories of legal sovereignty. The credit of expounding legal theory
of sovereignty should therefore, go to Machiavelli and it is for this
reason that he deserves to be called the first modern political thinker.
- Almost all the theories of Machiavelli are based on
his conception of the fear of life and security of property. Thomas
Hobbes seems to have borrowed this idea from Machiavelli and constructed
his theory of sensation, human nature and the theory of absolute sovereignty.
- Machiavelli great contribution was his belief in the
potency of material interests rather than in the spiritual interests.
Karl Marx had studied his concepts and may be said to have been inspired
by Machiavelli in developing his concept of Materialistic Interpretation
of History.
- Machiavelli may also be regarded as the first and
modern totalitarian political thinker for what he has written in his
book "The Prince". Most of the political thinkers and statesmen
of modern times have faithfully followed his political doctrines. Even
those who severely criticize him have faithfully followed his principles
of statecraft.
- In recent decades several political scientists and
thinkers have employed-power-approach to political science. Their contention,
specially that of Frederick Watkins, William A. Robson, H. D. Lasswell
and Hans Morgenthau is that political science is primarily concerned
with power, its nature and scope. But Machiavelli's treatise "The
Prince" is the first book of political science which makes power
as end of the state and politics revolves around it. Hence the credit
of expounding power approach-theory goes to Machiavelli for which
he deserves to be ranked as the first modern political thinker.
- Machiavelli also deserves to be called the first modern
political thinker because he has put forward the theory of power-politics
which regards the central fact of politics as the concentration and
maintenance of supreme control over all people within a certain territory
and evaluates all institutions as means to this end. His contention
that the state must extend or expire is nothing but a theory of power
- Diplomacy is a recent term which in its restricted
sense means the skill in dealing with the people of the country. Although
Machiavelli has never used this term in his writings yet his admonitions
to the prince are nothing but the principles of diplomacy in its limited
sense. For this reason, too, he deserves to be called the first modern
political thinker.
- Aristotle was the first who separated ethics from
politics but he made politics subservient to ethics. But Machiavelli
is the first political thinker in the sense that he not only separated
them once again but also made ethics subservient to politics. To him,
politics constitutes a value system of its own which is different from
that of ethics. He reduces good and bad from absolute to relative categories
and says that what is bad from moral point of view may be good from
political viewpoint. Hence ruler's actions should not be judged from
moral point of view but he should take that course of action which best
secure the interests of the state.
- Machiavelli must also be given the credit of being
a sincere and ardent patriot and one of the fore-runners of modern nationalism.
- Although Machiavelli never claimed to have expounded
a theory called "Balance of Power Theory" which is the coinage
of the recent decades yet his admonition to the prince that he should
never remain neutral in case of war between two of his neighbouring
countries but side with the weaker one is but a theory of the balance
of power.
- Machiavelli gave the state its modern connotation.
He repudiates the idea of universal authority. His state is the nation.
He has freed political theory out of religious context in which it had
been mired for a thousand years.
- One of the most important contributions of Machiavelli
was that he brought political theory into line with political practice
whereas the two were out of harmony with one another in the Medieval
Ages. Moreover, he is the political scientist who is concerned with
the means and not with the ends.
- Like most of the modern political scientists, Machiavelli
followed the empirical method of observation and experience and brought
about the re-union of political theory and political practice. His political
philosophy was realistic which reflected the conditions of the time.
It is mainly because of his valuable contributions
to political thought that he is regarded as the first modern political thinker.
His importance lies in that he rescued political thought from the scholastic
vagueness. He also deserves to be ranked as one of the greatest pragmatists.
Machiavelli's character and personality
as well as his philosophy have been one of the enigmas of modern history.
In the words of George Sabine, "he writes about nothing and thinks
about nothing except politics, Statecraft and the art of war. He was perhaps
too practical to be philosophically profound".
In his book entitled "The Prince" Machiavelli
lays down rules for maintaining absolute power. For the sake of the integrity
and solidarity of the state, he advises the ruler to employ all sorts of
tactics. Even he should not shirk from committing serious crimes in this
regard. But in his other Work "The Discourses" he prescribes rules
in which freedom may be maintained only in a republican form of the government.
The book makes it clear that he preferred a republican form of government.
He says that:
I affirm that a people is more prudent,
more stable and of better judgment than a prince. Not without reason is
the voice of a people likened to the voice of God".
The extremely dark picture of human nature
taken by Machiavelli may explain the existence of the state but it cannot
' explain its ever-growing activities and, the growing multiplicity of social
association in the state.
Machiavelli thought of moral, religious
and economic factors in society as forces which a clever politician can
turn to the advantage of the state or which can even produce for the sake
of the state. But this not only reverses a sane order of values but also
the usual order of causal efficacy.
To quote George H. Sabine, Machiavelli's
philosophy was both narrowly local and narrowly dated. Had he written in
any country except Italy or had he written in Italy after the beginning
of the Reformation and still after the beginning of the Counter Reformation,
it is impossible to suppose that he would have treated religion as he did.
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